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Late 1800’s (approx 1895) –

It was the wish of J. Wilson Peck to have the local hose company incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania as a legal and authorized company. If such were the opinion and desire of the majority of the members of the company, then this offer was to be made. “Be it enacted that the Enterprise Hose Company of Blakely Borough go on record as being incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania under the legal title of ‘The Wilson Fire Company No. 1, then J. Wilson Peck will donate to the cause a sum of one hundred fifty dollars to be used in further advancement of the company in securing carts and other firefighting apparatus that they deem advisable.”

When the faint squeaky whistle for fire sounded, the active firemen of the newly developed Wilson Fire Company No. 1 could be seen running from all directions over rough muddy roads, and centering towards the fire house. In no time at all could one hear the pattering of boots and shoes accompanied by the humpty-bumpty sound of the pull cart following them. Pulling and puffing, striving to reach the goal, each fireman had his share in landing the cart with five hundred feet of hose at the scene of action. And thus on the fifth day of April 1895, the fire company assumed the authorized legal name of the Wilson Fire Company No. 1 of Peckville, Blakely Borough, Pennsylvania, which it so proudly carries to this day.